Sunday, July 1, 2007

Dave Ramsey's baby steps

My comment

You need good incomes to go through these 7 steps

Dave Ramsey has these 7 steps for anyone who have debts to become financially fit - Live like no one else because you're free.

0. Live below your means - no more "toys"; cut down on your lifestyle; get health & life insurances, especially if you have children.

1. Build beginner emergency fund — let's say $1,000 (as fast as you can).

2. Debt snowball — eliminate all debts from small to large, except the house.

Other financial planners may suggest different order of debts to eliminate; such as from high to low interest rates.

3. Build full emergency fund — 3 to 6 months of living expenses.

If you use debt to cover emergencies, you have backtracked!

4. Invest 15% of your income — 401(k), follow by Roth IRA.

5. Fund your child's college education — 529 savings plan.

6. Pay off the mortgage early.

Without a house payment you will have most control of your greatest wealth-building tool —your income.

7. Build wealth — with mutual funds & real estate.

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