Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The technology of XO laptop

The XO laptop is designed by the One Laptop Per Child project. They want to provide a $100 laptop to every child in the developing countries.

The XO will cost $175 $188 and have the following technology:

366 MHz 433 MHz AMD Geode LX-700 x86 Processor
128 MB 256 MB RAM
512 MB 1 GB NAND Flash Storage
3 USB Ports
2 watts power usage during nominal load
802.11b / g-based WiFi Mesh networking
Dual Mode Display (Color or high-contrast for outdoors)
Also worth nothing is the battery: the nickel-metal hydride battery selected will allow the XO to operate for between four and eight hours depending on what features are in use. And when power sockets aren't available, users can recharge the battery with a built-in pull-string charger.

Power usage will be at its highest when the device is in "e-book mode." The XO laptop's unique 7-1/2 inch dual-mode LCD supports a resolution of 800x600 in color mode, but it jumps to 1200x900 in monochrome mode for reading and ease of use outdoors. In that mode, power usage will be closer to 4-8 watts.

As far as software, the OLPC will run a suite based around Linux, X-Windows, the lightweight Matchbox window manager, and the Sugar desktop environment. A FORTH interpreter is provided to teach programming skills.

Everything created on the laptop will automatically get backed up to the child's Google account, using a mesh networking infrastructure. This networking protocol is a form of Internet connection sharing that allows a single connection to be shared by many nearby laptops. There is also shared school software that sits on a common server accessible by all students.

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